Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sprinkle it on your food and lose weight???

There is a new weight loss product out that is designed to help you eat less by appealing to the sensory system (smell and taste).  Simply sprinkle it on your food and something happens to trigger your brain's hunger parameters. The product has no taste or smell.  The marketing campaign touts:  "Just sprinkle it on everything you eat and you'll lose 30 pounds".  Chances are if you use this product you will lose weight if you're looking for the quick, temporary fix, go ahead! The problem, however, is that this product does not address successful, lifetime weight management. Sprinkle, sprinkle, sprinkle for the rest of your life?  Don't get caught up in this "too good to be true" product advertising.  The body and brain adjust to just about everything once the novelty of the new change gets old and then its back to square one.  Have you ever fallen in love and had those wonderful "butterfly" feelings for about 6 months to a year?  Once the body adjusts to the new love, those feelings change (but that's another story).  Have you ever had a new car, new piece of jewelry or new article of clothing that gave you that wonderful "shopping high".....then after a few weeks, it all becomes old hat and you begin searching for something else to jangle your juices?  The brain and body are much smarter than we may think.  Believe in YOURSELF when it comes to behavior modification, not a product that will eventually become a dead end.  Save your money and look WiTHIN You Now!™  

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