Thursday, September 30, 2010

3,500 calories equals one pound

Weight loss is a mathematical lose one pound, you must burn off 3,500 calories and NOT replace them.  Count your calories, measure your food and always be very aware of your eating "behavior"...and your "thoughts" before during and after your meal or snack.  Don't allow your mind to "crave" foods that are not healthy or are not on your meal plan.   Plan your meals, plan your snacks, and manage your "thought process"...don't allow your "thought process" to manage you.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Look "inside" for the Answers

Too often we look for "someone" or "something" out there in the atmosphere to either solve our issues with weight and weight management, or we look for someone to blame.  The best answers and source of strength for everything we do in life are the answers that we have deep inside ourselves.  Tell yourself and convince yourself that you have the strength and the power within to make the right choices all day long.  Don't wait for someone or something to give you the answers or the strength -  you have it and you own it and you have used it many, many times.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Think hard before agreeing to gastric surgery!!

Thinking about gastric surgery or Lap Band? Drastic move....and remember these important facts: Though gastric surgery or other such invasive surgical techniques DO work in terms of helping you to lose weight QUICKLY, after a short period of time, your appetite returns, you start putting weight back on and you are in the same spot you were before the surgery. Learning to control your behavior through Thought Behavior Modification™ and stress management is KEY to success - with or without surgery. Ask me more about my Thought Behavior Modification™ theory.

Allow yourself to enjoy not being "stuffed"

Always plan ahead and eat 5 small, healthy, low fat, low calorie meals per day.  Keep those engines burning -  don't allow yourself to go long periods of time without eating.  Once the hunger monster comes alive, its too late.  When eating 5 small, healthy, low fat, low calorie meals per day, you should never feel "stuffed" and you may experience some feelings of emptiness in your stomach.  You may even hear your stomach growl -  THAT'S OK......let it growl !  Imagine your body is a lion searching for food (calories) when it is growling...and know that all the calories that your body finds are being used up and this means weight management !!  Allow yourself some "un-stuffed" feelings, revel in them and know that you are one step closer to your ideal body weight. 

Monday, September 27, 2010


Too may times we find ourselves a slave to our own negative self talk.  We get down on ourselves, down on what we feel we have done "wrong" today or yesterday, we feel as though we have not "done enough" with our lives and we feel as though the mistakes in our lives have shaped our future.  That is SO NOT TRUE!!!  We are all human, we have made mistakes -  PLENTY OF THEM - and that is the foundation upon which we learn.  No matter your age, no matter your weight, no matter your education -  there is always tomorrow and there is always a way to move forward, improve, succeed and be positive about what we can and will succeed.  Life is not just for the rich and those who are handed fame on a silver spoon.  The news is all over Lindsey Lohan -  Paris Hilton an soooooo many others who have EVERTHING that we think will help us and look at them. They are unhappy beyond. I guarantee you that each and every one of you reading this is in MUCH better shape than either one of those unfortunate young women.  They are both skinny, rich, sad and lonely.  We actually need to help THEM and I would if I could. 


Recent research has determined that the old saying "there are no bad foods" is incorrect.  There are LOTS of bad foods that we should and CAN say NO to.............such as -  french fries and donuts (or anything that resembles a donut).  If you can simply start your "NO" list....this will help you stay on track.  Deleting something from your diet is much easier than adding somthing to your diet.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Don't let "peer pressure" pressure you into making the wrong choices

Our friends and family want us to be happy and want us to be successful - especially when it comes to managing our weight.  However, on occasion the old saying "misery loves company" rears its ugly head and on occasion, our well meaning friends and family can sabotage our good efforts.  Stand strong, make your own decisions - even if they are unpopular - and become a role model for your family and friends.  Make every choice count - in the right direction.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Understand the meaning of "consistency"

Consistency means doing the same thing every time, every day.  Don't get caught into the trap of saying to yourself "Just this Once".......Just this Once is trouble.  Stay true, stay dedicated.  Don't let "peer pressure" let you down.  Don't let your peers let you down - your peers may be looking out for themselves.  Remember your peers are those that you are around the, friends, family, friends.....draw into yourself when you are making healthy choices.  Don't let your peers make your choices for you.