Monday, November 1, 2010

Apples, Pears and YOU!

Remember that your body "shape" (God given - can't change it) puts you in a specific "risk category" for heart disease, diabetes and other diseases.  Those of you who carry your weight from the waist down are considered "pears", and fall into the lower risk category. Those of you who have the slender legs and carry your weight around the middle and up are considered "apples".  The good news for "apples" is that you have been blessed with great legs and you get to wear all the cool boots and short skirts - but the bad news is that being an "apple" puts you in the high risk category for heart disease and diabetes....all the more reason to be diligent about your daily, healthy meal plan.  The sun is out and it is a beautiful day, take a nice walk with a friend and share ideas about healthy eating and how to eliminate junk food from your diet. Life is short and fleeting....don't let a few extra pounds ruin your healthy tomorrow.....actually, isn't today tomorrow??