Wednesday, November 10, 2010

"Empty" Feelings

Those nagging feelings that you feel in the back of your throat and on your tongue that tell you to eat something when you know it is not time to eat are a result of your brain putting forth to your conscious thoughts a Negative Thought Behavior Pattern.  Negative Thought Behavior Patterns can be changed - you can actually train your brain to translate visuals (such as donuts and other bad foods that may be in front of you), as well as translate sensations (such as the back of the throat or empty visceral feelings) into POSITIVE Thoughts.  When you are plagued with these negative Thought Behavior Patterns, turn those sensations and visual cues into sensations of strength and power.  Allow feelings of emptiness to be feelings of joy that your body is utilizing stored body fat for energy, therefore allowing your weight to go down and your good health to remain stable.  See those bad foods that your co-workers bestow upon you as stale, moldy and spat upon.  Disgusting, yet a profoundly efficient tool to change your negative Thought Behavior Patterns.