Sunday, January 30, 2011


Atkins just revised the diet - now adding more carbs. Good.  Very difficult to digest proteins without carbs.  Digesting proteins without carbs is like trying to water ski in a lake full of peanut butter...not fun.  Think more in terms of Weight Watchers and using your own good sense to make the right choices - life at every turn presents new challenges, no matter what "plan" you are "planning" to follow.  The best plan is one that incorporates how to deal with all of those "not planned" events - you know, the event that smacks you upside the head and then you put off until tomorrow what you need to be doing today - 
In today’s world of instant information access overload, discerning what, when, how, where and why to eat is challenging!  Indeed, careful consideration and some professional counsel are essential in determining the best plan for you and your lifestyle.  However, the greatest challenge is finding the answer to the ever present, ever elusive question of how to consistently implement the best and healthiest plan every day and for a lifetime.
Stay tuned for the answers in WiTHIN You Now!  by Dr. Stacey Hilton-Davis  ....coming soon on e books and print.  I will keep you posted.