Monday, October 18, 2010

Working through the "pang".....

You may find that in following a healthy meal plan and consuming a healthy, low fat, low calorie diet - you may still feel the "pang" of hunger !!   This is a result of your own Thought Behavior pattern that whispers to you "there are crackers and peanut butter in the pantry waiting for you".........  Reverse this Thought Behavior Pattern by accepting the fact that you have probably given in so many times in the past that it just seems like its OK to give in now.  Put a STOP to this nagging Thought Behavior Pattern by picturing a big red STOP sign in your mind, and then allow those pangs of hunger to turn into feelings of success and joy.  Don't think of that emptiness as hunger and the need to cheat - think of it as your body working to burn those stored calories that make your jeans too tight.  Enjoy the feeling of emptiness and know that for every minute, hour you feel empty (until your next healthy, small, planned meal) your body is going in the right direction - toward health, fitness and an appropriate weight for your height.  THE POWER OF THE MIND IS THE ROAD TO BECOMING THE PERSON YOU KNOW YOU CAN BE !!

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