Sunday, October 31, 2010


Life is stressful -  no matter how rich, beautiful, privileged or thin someone is - life, in and of itself, in all of its Glory, is stressful....there's no getting around it.  Stress is our body's reaction - both psychological and physical - to our perception of our environment, regardless of what our environment presents.  Everyone reacts differently (depending upon perception) to life's challenges (the environment).  Often times we hear people say that they tend to over eat, or eat the wrong things when they are "stressed".  If this is you - take a moment to realize that if you are alive, you are experiencing some degree of stress every moment.  It is natural to be stressed, but the degree and frequency of that stressful reaction needs to be closely measured, monitored and contemplated.  Take an honest look at your perception of your environment and analyze your stress management skills.  Are you using "negative" stress management skills (over eating, over drinking, over spending) to shield yourself from what you perceive as threat or pain?  Spend some time today looking deep inside YOU, take some notes, and remember that forward progress takes time, patience and education.  Stay tuned for my next post on ways to modify your stressful perception of life.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The "Fat Bucket"

If you need to lose weight (any amount), this means you are carrying what I call "A Fat Bucket".  Let's say you need to lose 10 pounds...this means you are carrying 35,000 calories around in your fat bucket (remember to lose one pound you need to burn off 3,500 calories and not replace them).  Go to to do your math.  Keep track of how many calories you are burning at rest for 24 hours, how many calories you are burning with exercise, and how many calories you are taking in with food.  Once you do the math, you will be able to calculate how long it should take you to empty your "Fat Bucket"....then begin your plan to keep it empty.  An empty "Fat Bucket" means greater quality of life, and jeans that feel GREAT !!!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Every "little bite" counts

Weight loss is an equation - you must, burn 3,500 calories (and not replace them) to lose one pound.  Very often women will tell me that no matter what they eat they cannot lose weight, and in fact, they continue to gain.  If this sounds like you, take this little test.  For the next 3 days enjoy your normal intake, pay attention to everything that you consume - every bite.  Write it down, Google the calorie count for each day and I think you will be surprised.  Calories are hidden (they do hide), and at times we eat without realizing we are popping something into our mouths.  When you add up your daily calorie intake and factor in how many calories you are burning with exercise, you may find that you are taking IN more than you are burning OFF....hence, your weight is either staying the same or you may even be gaining.  It is best for your heart, and entire body for that matter, to exercise everyday - but don't let a little exercise give you the excuse to not count your calories carefully.  If you are a 150 pound woman and you walk briskly for an hour, you are only burning about 150 to 200 calories - don't confuse exercise with weight loss.  Be true to yourself, take notes, carefully track your caloric intake, follow a healthy meal plan, and you will LOVE what you see in the mirror. Everyday presents a new challenge..... and aren't we so happy to be able to take on those challenges?!?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

"Variety" is the Spice of Life

When planning your meals, be sure to include a variety of foods from all food groups.  You need carbs to digest your proteins, and you need some fat to keep your brain functioning.  Don't eliminate any food group from your meal plan.  Remember to eat all the colors of veggies. 

The holidays are approaching..........plan ahead !!  ATTACK the Holidays...don't let them sneak up and ATTACK you!  Find your inner strength and put it to work for you.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Life is about adapting, accepting and moving forward

I heard someone say yesterday (on the radio) that "happiness is over-rated, and all the stuff about striving for happiness is a bunch of bunk" some ways I agree.  Do you ever find yourself wondering "when will I finally be happy?", or "when such and such happens - then I'll be happy!"   A good friend said to me once "happiness isn't something you experience, it is something you remember"......  As life speeds by, so does our happiness.  Life is about adapting to the situation with which you are faced, accepting (or changing), and moving forward to the next challenge.  Don't waste precious time wondering where your happiness is hiding - it is right in front of you - you just don't recognize it. 

Tip for the day:  Walk outside in a safe area (or on your treadmill) for 10 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of Yoga.  Plan your entire meal plan for the day and stick to it.  Be introspective and true to yourself.  Give your family some room to be themselves - quit bugging them and you'll get their attention.  Be a good listener and people will listen back.

Monday, October 25, 2010

The 5 minute workout

Can't drag yourself up to exercise?  Does the thought of hitting the treadmill make you physically ill?  Do you have the P90X workout CD collection sitting where you put it after it arrived in the mail?  Have you talked yourself into thinking that you can combat hight blood pressure, high cholesterol and obesity with pills and who needs exercise??  If so, don't feel like the Lone Ranger.  There is always a good excuse NOT to exercise because let's face it - the thought of exercising can really suck.  But we have to exercise. 

Here is a suggestion.  Just exercise for 5 minutes each day!!  Don't tell yourself you're going to do the entire boring workout - just get out there and walk or turn on the exercise CD or hop on your treadmill or bike for just 5 minutes!!!  If you're done physically and mentally after 5 minutes then STOP!!  The 5 minute exercise session often turns into a full workout and it is SO much nicer to look forward to only 5 minutes rather than an hour!! Try it - you won't be dissapointed.  Hey -  5 minutes is better than 0 minutes :)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Stick to it & Stick it to THEM!

Misery loves company - an old saying but SO TRUE!  People will sabotage your good efforts to eat healthfully because of their own failures.  Don't let it happen to you!  Smile politely and continue with your plan.  Even people that love us get weird when they see us succeed.  Be a role model - don't give in.  Don't ever worry about hurting feelings because you are moving forward with your goals.  The only feelings you hurt by giving in are yours.  Every minute, every hour, every day - pay attention and stick to it.  If you're having a difficult time choosing or preparing low fat, low calorie foods - refer to Weight Watchers !!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Realizing Relapse

Relapse is a natural course of any behavior change.  Relapse is a result of not tapping into inner strength and power to create a steady course of success EVERY DAY.  While making positive, healthy changes in your lifestyle.....address your fight against relapse.  Meet relapse head on by fighting against it in the beginning of your behavior change process.  Pay attention to the fact that behavior change needs to be thought of as a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly process.  Stay true to your course of change by planning ahead, and avoiding peer pressure......take it one day at a time and be a true role model to yourself, your family and your friends.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Figure out how to keep your figure!

When we take more calories IN than we BURN OFF...we gain weight.  Florence Henderson said it wonderfully last night after being voted off of Dancing.....she hoped that she inspired people to "get off their behinds" and dance !!  Look at Florence -  72 years old, slim and in the kind of shape it takes to go a few rounds in Dancing.........Set a goal to be fit, healthy and MOBILE at age 72.  My mother is turning 86 in a few days.  She takes no medications, participates in a senior theater group and at 5'6" - still looks great (under 130 lbs).  Active in mind and body, watches her intake and keeps moving!  Walk, Yoga, aerobics all in front of your favorite TV show.  The only excuses are the ones we create.  Today is the day to Become.  It is up to you.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Working through the "pang".....

You may find that in following a healthy meal plan and consuming a healthy, low fat, low calorie diet - you may still feel the "pang" of hunger !!   This is a result of your own Thought Behavior pattern that whispers to you "there are crackers and peanut butter in the pantry waiting for you".........  Reverse this Thought Behavior Pattern by accepting the fact that you have probably given in so many times in the past that it just seems like its OK to give in now.  Put a STOP to this nagging Thought Behavior Pattern by picturing a big red STOP sign in your mind, and then allow those pangs of hunger to turn into feelings of success and joy.  Don't think of that emptiness as hunger and the need to cheat - think of it as your body working to burn those stored calories that make your jeans too tight.  Enjoy the feeling of emptiness and know that for every minute, hour you feel empty (until your next healthy, small, planned meal) your body is going in the right direction - toward health, fitness and an appropriate weight for your height.  THE POWER OF THE MIND IS THE ROAD TO BECOMING THE PERSON YOU KNOW YOU CAN BE !!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Weight control "pill"

Visit your local vitamin store and purchase a good multi-vitamin.  When taking it each day, imagine in your mind that it is a super weight control pill.....and then let it work for you.  Actually feel the pill working - feel your appetite being under control, feel your body utilizing stored calories for energy and allow the pill to set your "cravings" for vegetables and a healthy meal plan.  Allow the power of your mind to work FOR YOU!  You have the power, you have the control and it is there for you 24/7.  Adding the visual of your vitamin pill being your super weight control pill will have a powerful impact............try it and you will be amazed.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Thought Behavior patterns

Thought Behaviors are patterns of thinking that we have adopted over time as a means of coping, rationalizing or explaining to ourselves what to expect next.  Thought Behaviors can be positive, such as looking forward to a vacation, planning fun times with good friends or anticipating buying that handbag or new car.  These types of positive Thought Behavior patterns are healthy and energizing.  However, too often we find ourselves getting paralyzed by negative Thought Behavior patterns that sap our energy and lead us down the path of failure.  These negative Thought Behavior patterns may be thinking there is no hope for happiness or there is no use in trying to make the right decisions regarding our health because we have failed so many times in the past.  Negative Thought Behavior patterns can be modified (changed) - systematically, with your own inner strength and power.  Tapping into your internal strength and power to modify your negative Thought Behavior Patterns is possible and you are in control.  Don't look for someone or something else to do it for you.  Ask me more about my Thought Behavior Modification Process as you move forward to a life of happiness and good health.  We have only one life - let's make it the best it can be.  Become the person you know you can be.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Turn "Weakends" into "Strong Finishes"....

Weekends are a time for relaxing, re-grouping, re-thinking and re-energizing !!  Weekends are also a time to be strong and work toward your goals and objectives.  Don't get caught in the old trap of letting your guard down just because the weekend has arrived.  Weekends are the time to be the strongest and demonstrate your power and strength -  then when Monday arrives, the road ahead won't look so long and grueling.  BE STRONG - NOT WEAK - ON YOUR WEEKENDS !!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Throwing in the towel is not an option

Giving up is the easy way out -  whether its weight loss, exercise, writing that book or learning a new language.  Keep moving forward - slowly.  Set a goal to "reach" a goal each day no matter how small.  You cannot win if you do not show up.  Find your own inner strength and use it.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Every Day a New, Exciting Challenge

Do you ever think about your childhood days when you felt "happy" all the time (unless you were in the process of being punished for being too happy...)  Children have not yet developed encumbered thoughts,  pre-conceived notions, guilt, or feelings of self loathing or low self esteem.  However, for the most part, it is only a matter of time until these very common feelings/thoughts start to creep into the thought process.  Life is short - too short for these useless pieces of baggage we insists upon carrying around.  Take some time each day to relieve yourself of this "heavy" thought process and Become free.  It may be difficult at first, but practice relaxing and Becoming free of negative self talk, negative feelings and negative thoughts.  Allow yourself this freeing experience and gradually increase the amount of time during your day that you have rid yourself of these destructive thought behaviors.  Success will follow.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Visualize Success

Keep a vivid "visual" picture in your mind of YOU at your very, healthy, slim and happy.  Your "visual" should be realistic and should be reachable.  Take a few moments everyday to relax your body and mind and "Become" that fit, healthy, slim and happy person...actually allow yourself to feel the goodness of success.  Know that the more you visualize yourself Becoming successful, the sooner your success will follow.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Be aware of your "recurring" thought behavior

Do you find yourself repeating the same promises to yourself over and over again - only to encounter failure?  This is what I call "recurring" thought behavior. If this sounds familiar, sit down when you have some "alone" time and make a list of your "recurring" thought patterns and do your own analysis.  What are the "themes" you find in your thought behavior (what are the promises you keep making).  Once you see a pattern of "themes", make a list of the "road blocks" that keep you from being successful.  Once you get this down on paper - keep it someplace handy and refer to it often.  Work on molding your "themes" (promises) into something less drastic and more realistic.  Also, work on facing your road blocks head on and think of creative "work-arounds".  Take baby steps, keep chipping away, and realize that YOU can Become - its up to YOU.