Saturday, February 19, 2011

New Lap Band Guidelines - Good or Bad?

The FDA has approved the Lap Band surgery for those with BMI of 30 or greater (previous guidelines were BMI of 40 or greater)....this will double the number of individuals eligible for this surgery.  The question remains - is this a GOOD thing or a BAD thing?  My thoughts are as follows:

Since the FDA feels this intervention is a "good" thing, will they continue to lower the restrictions?  Will we get to the point that we no longer encourage prevention of obesity through healthy eating and exercise because we have this "thing" that we can have inserted into our body for the low cost of $14,000.00? 

I believe these new guidelines are further greasing an already very dangerous "slippery slope" that our nation seems to be racing toward.  These surgeries and new guidelines are a sad indication that we are in the throws of giving up completely.  Sad indeed. 

What are your thoughts?