Saturday, November 13, 2010

Suck It Up - It's Tough Love Day

Research states that more than 50% of US adults have abdominal obesity (fat around the middle).  The cause - lack of physical activity and poor dietary quality.  Scientists hypothesize that psychological distress may alter eating behaviors resulting in the intake of high energy-dense diets.  There are some links between psychological distress, depression and a higher BMI (body mass index), however, many studies have concluded that further research is needed to determine if improvements in psychological distress alters dietary intake.  Bottom line, LIFE IS STRESSFUL PEOPLE - DEAL WITH IT - DON'T BLAME IT!  If you do not experience some degree of stress on a daily basis, you may be here on Earth in a form other than Human. Learn to understand what it is in your environment that you are perceiving as stressful, do some reading (or follow my blog) on healthy ways to change your perception, because you cannot change the environment as hard as you try! Let me help you alter your Thought Behavior Patterns, and take responsibility for losing weight and keeping it off forever.  Remember, it costs American businesses an excess of $17 billion per year in lost productivity attributed to obesity and related cardiometabolic risk factors (diabetes, etc.).  Be a part of the solution - if you are overweight or obese, YOU are a part of the problem.