If you are truly interested in losing weight and keeping if off forever - add these words to your daily (if not hourly) vocabulary.........FEND OFF!!!! To fend is to "ward against" - and when it comes to weight loss and weight management, its all about fending off outside (and inside) negative influences. Learn to find your inner strength and power to pay attention to, and subsequently fend off the influences that have destroyed your good intentions to Become slender, fit and healthy - Below are a few examples of negative influences that are subtle, yet deadly that you must fend off and ignore, no matter what reaction you encounter from others......
Friends, family and co-workers that unintentionally (and intentionally) use guilt, persuasion, disgust, and anger to coax you into eating or drinking in a manner that is not conducive to weight loss and/or weight management. Stop worrying about hurting them by not indulging with them. Be a role model, not a door mat.
Your own feelings of deprivation and emptiness. If you are following a low calorie, low fat meal plan that makes some sense (try Weight Watchers), feelings of deprivation and emptiness are the "survival chemicals" in your body trying to influence you to "store up for the winter". Take your emotions out of the equation and turn those Negative Thought Patterns into Positive Thought Patterns that will lead you to success. Feelings of deprivation and emptiness simply means your body is utilizing stored calories for energy and you are on your way to Becoming slender and fit.
Life is too short to be fat....give yourself a break and Become.