Thursday, May 24, 2012

High School Obesity

I've had the opportunity to "substitute teach" at our local high schools and junior high schools over the past year.  Now I am NOT a prude by a long shot.....but, with over 80% of the girls being overweight or obese, it is necessary for me to either cover my eyes or look the other way.  From what I have observed, the "in" style is short, short shorts.  In my day we called them Hot Pants - but then again, the girls that wore them were hot - and those who were not so hot knew enough to stick to their trusty cords.  Apparently, the overwhelming epidemic of obesity has clouded the judgement of young ladies and they must not realize that they are indeed fat - or they surely would make a wardrobe selection appropriate to their level of fatness.

And then there is that "glazed over" look in their eyes - both boys and girls - as they saunter lazily into class with their earphones plugged in, mouth breathing.  Oh yes, earphones/headphones are not allowed...but then again, rules are something from the far away past and following the rules is now not enforced.  The only flicker of life I see is an "in your face" angry defiance when corrected or given direction within the classroom setting.  When I asked a high school boy to go to his assigned class after the tardy bell (hat turned sideways, hanging on a young lady) - he retorted in an offensive posture:  "I don't need your attitude"......... Sadly, he does need my attitude.

Not that the 70's (when I attended high school) was an era of outstanding wardrobe and behavior on the part of the students - but at least when someone had that "glazed over" look in their eyes - we knew it was due to the influence of drugs.....not a pathetic disregard for life and authority as is seen today.

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