If you haven't heard my "Fat Bucket" theory - or even if you have heard it - listen up (review is good)!! Weight management is a numbers game. To lose one pound, you must dump 3,500 calories and NOT REPLACE THEM!! To burn 3,500 calories you must lower your caloric intake, do a little exercise, and dig deep inside your Being to use your God given inner strength and power to make it successfully to another day! But fear not, though your Fat Bucket is full of stored calories making your jeans too tight and your muffin top explode, there is
instant relief at your fingertips. To empty your Fat Bucket and lose almost two pounds a week (1.8 lbs) - Follow this simple plan: (based on the assumption that you are among the ranks of the average citizen and currently taking in approx. 2,000 calories a day and not getting much exercise)........
- Do some "calorie" research and plan to take in only 1,200 calories each day (buy Lean Cuisine or Weight Watcher's frozen meals if you must)
- Exercise each day for 30 minutes (work up a sweat and breath hard- you'll burn 100 calories)
In 7 days you will have shed 1.8 lbs - that's 7.2 lbs in a month, 43.2 lbs by Sept., and 64.8 lbs by the end of the year............HOWZ THAT FOR INSTANT GRATIFICATION AND RELIEF!!!
It all comes down to.........finding the motivation inside to keep that calorie intake down EACH AND EVERY DAY.
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