Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Take a Sneak Peak - Lifetime weight management

Just a "sneak peak" of my soon to be released book which answers the question of how to achieve Successful, Lifetime Weight Management.  Stay tuned for release date - will be available through Smashwords and other E book distributors!!
Become through WiTHIN You Now!™ - The best answers and solutions are those that are WiTHIN You Now!™
Overweight and obesity are preventable. 
WiTHIN You Now!™  is a simple yet powerful weight loss and weight management “self- therapy” that can change your life - the way it changed mine and many close to me.  
Successful lifetime weight management involves achieving a healthy weight and staying there for the rest of your life.  Successful lifetime weight management is complex, multi-faceted, and largely discussed in terms of finding the perfect combination of foods to eat, when and where to eat, learning to love yourself, accepting your body type, and understanding the evilness of stuffing your feelings with food.   Such elements of successful lifetime weight management, though decidedly important to success, are not the crux of the contents of this book, rather they are adjunct components that will naturally dovetail into the basic foundations of Becoming through WiTHIN You Now!™    

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