Saturday, February 12, 2011

Stop thinking "Cheating"

Try to eliminate the word "cheating" when managing your weight.  If you enjoy something yummy - enjoy it - then make the appropriate adjustments (extra time exercising and/or replacing a few meals with a low calorie, liquid protein shake) so that those extra calories don't end up in your Fat Bucket making your jeans too tight and your attitude grouchy.  You wouldn't "cheat" on your taxes, or on your spouse!  You teach your children to never "cheat" on tests or sports! So why do you give yourself permission to "cheat" when it comes to the most important health decision you will ever make - managing your weight?  Use good judgement and caution when enjoying yummy foods and think "moderation and adjustment" rather than "cheating"....a much healthier and less defeating thought process.

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