Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Opinions are like...well you know...everyone has one

Hi There!!  Just wanted to share an experience with you that may help you in so many ways!  Perhaps you have been a victim of such a crime!!  Or perhaps this may help you "re-organize" your conversations in the future!!

I was "assaulted" recently by a "well meaning" "friend" regarding "my weight".  I know she didn't mean harm, but I also know that she was just not thinking.  People are so into themselves and their opinions and they just don't stop to think about the impact that their "well meaning" opinions have upon the recipient.  Here was the situation...

I was sitting at a table of approximately 8 ladies during a social luncheon.  Something came up about weight and my friend announced to the table that when she met me I "was beautiful" but now you have taken your weight loss thing over the edge"...indicating that I am too thin (I guess) and no longer beautiful.  This statement embarrassed the Hell out of me and made me VERY uncomfortable in front of several women whom I had just met.  My statement to "my friend" was that my weight is perfectly proportionate to my height and, yes, I have lost several pounds since I stopped working but I feel great and I am neither underweight nor overweight.  What I wanted to say was that now that so many people are overweight or obese, when we see someone within normal weight limits we think they are too skinny......sad statement!!

TIP:  Regardless of a person's weight (past or present), regardless of whether or not or or she has lost weight, it is in bad taste to bring up their weight loss in mixed company.  Weight loss is a personal health matter.  Use your head when addressing someone about their weight.  Like mother always said...."The best way to keep from inserting foot into mouth is to keep it shut...if you can't say anything good...don't say anything at all!!    Tsk Tsk to my well meaning, out of touch friend. 
Advice:  Keep your opinions to yourself and just stick to the weather...