Weight loss and a healthy management of body weight is - unfortunately, becoming a thing of the past. Everywhere I turn I see muffin tops, fat arms, bra bulge, cellulite....oh the horror!! What used to be a size 14 is now a size 8....and women are falling for this clever marketing scam - that is the sadness of it all. Do NOT be fooled by these marketing devils - look in the mirror and get a grip on reality!! Marilyn Monroe was a size 8........ARE YOU?? I bet not!! Weight loss and weight management is at your fingertips - don't turn a blind eye to health. Remember "The Golden Years" are already upon us - regardless of age. Life is not fun without your good health - and good health cannot be accomplished if you are carrying around extra pounds that need to come off. Start your weight loss plan TODAY and quit making wimpy excuses - Life gets in the way of everything....don't let it get in the way of your health and happiness. Remember - there are 365 days in each year and you have used 365 excuses for your fatness so STOP IT!! Are you kidding me right now with your "too much stress" lame excuse?? Perhaps if you would shed that extra 20lbs you would be better equipped to handle the stress of life. Stop being grouped with all the "fatties" out there! Grow some inner strength and get your butt in gear.
Click on https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/49082 and enter code WJ99L for your 50% discount (regular price $5.00).......Read, absorb, learn and enjoy freedom from fat.