Monday, March 26, 2012

Another day...another challenge...another opportunity

I had a conversation several days ago with a group of women who were discussing "weight loss"....I am always amused, entertained and enlightened listening to the personal stories and opinions regarding weight loss in general.  The consensus at the table was the following:  "It is more difficult for those who only need to lose 10 pounds or so".....the thinking was that since the weight loss goal is so small it is OK to go ahead with "that special occasion splurge"..... This type of thinking is defeating and SO INCORRECT!  This type of thinking is also associated with what I call "permissions" oneself permission to not follow a food plan that will lower health risks for heart attack, stroke and diabetes.  There are 365 days in the year and AT LEAST 365 reasons to have a "special occasion splurge"...

Don't quit on yourself - give yourself the opportunity to be as healthy as possible by shedding those fat pounds through Becoming the person you know you can be.  Quit excusing your bad behavior and give yourself the opportunity to look fantastic in your skinny jeans.  Truth be probably don't look as wonderful as you may think !!! 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Start with Today

ok - WHAT'S YOUR EXCUSE TODAY?  If you tell me it's your dog's birthday and you always celebrate because "he knows" it's his big day....get real.  Dog's don't understand holidays - they only understand where the dog dish is, when to go pooh and where the coolest place is during the summer to splay out on their belly on a cool tile floor for maximum comfort.....birthday please!!  Just another excuse for YOU not to fight the urge.

Notice how most dogs are not overweight?  That's because they are fed an appropriate amount of food at an appropriate time - what a concept.

Try gutting it through your next urge to splurge like good old Duke has to do before giving yourself permission to eat "off plan"....rather - sit down and mentally prepare your next healthy meal or snack, then go take a 10 minute walk or jog in place for goodness sakes.  Your jeans will appreciate you!

It's not all fun and roses - get a grip, quit whining and making excuses.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Not At All "Cutsie"

Occasionally I peek at other blogs - I should do this more often, but having a case of what I am sure is Adult ADD, I get derailed, detatched, disinterested, bored.....and oh yes, slightly intimidated by creativeness in others that I do not seem to I go back to my own thing - putting into words for the rest of the world the process of following WiTHIN You Now! ....  On a good note, I have noticed that recently in the past few days 21 people have "purchased" my book (it is free right now on Smashwords) and 72 people have downloaded the free sample.  Dr. Phil show here I come!!

I never recommend what to eat and all that - but I will make this one exception.  My sister and I have found the pear apple flavor of the SOBE drink with zero calories and flavored naturally to be a great treat.  We dilute it down with water and ice (you can use zero calorie club soda if you like for a "pop")....great way to quench an urge and get some sweetness around 3pm when the urge sets in.  Try it!!

Weight management is all in your head (literally), it is all about learning to turn that intense urge to splurge into a powerful feeling of control, and letting all those Friendly Fire Sabotagers "talk to your hand".... YOU are in control of your choices - not them - yes they LOVE you, but BEWARE!!!  Have a great Sunday and think a few hours ahead before you find yourself in a desperate situation. 

Saturday, March 10, 2012

WiTHIN You Now!™ A Psychological/Behavioral Therapy for Weight Loss: You MUST learn to fight the urge to eat!

WiTHIN You Now!™ A Psychological/Behavioral Therapy for Weight Loss: You MUST learn to fight the urge to eat!: Regardless of how well balanced your food are going to be faced with the urge to eat beyond your food plan - it is just fact....

You MUST learn to fight the urge to eat!

Regardless of how well balanced your food are going to be faced with the urge to eat beyond your food plan - it is just fact.  It is this urge that wrecks success.  Learning to identify and fight the urge when it is upon you is as important as knowing what foods will keep that urge at bay.  Let's face it -  NO FOOD PLAN IS PERFECT and boredom sets in after the love affair wears off.  Next time you are faced with that urgent urge to eat beyond your healthy food plan, don't jump into the fridge -  allow yourself to feel the urge and allow yourself time to turn that urgent urge into feelings of delight that your body is seeking calories and burning fat.  Enjoy the feeling of not being stuffed, and enjoy the feeling of thinking and reacting like the slender, fit person you know you can be.

Read WiTHIN You Now! available FREE on